Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ice Cream Aloha

The Capsule
     Suzi scans for knowledge internal discovery systems(K.I.D.S.), clicks on the switch to her warship screen. Yes, design algorithm time activation(D.A.T.A.) has come and gone and still nothing. Above her workstation along the huge monitor is another set-top-box, newly arrived, full of content, something about capsules of data entry(C.O.D.E.), stored in a repository as metadata on how it all was created. She views the data, wonders how that other metadata arrived here in the first place. True, she has felt strange for a while, and the strangeness hasn't left, but now there's something else about it. The strangeness along with smells of old libraries with musty card catalogues suddenly make sense to her with yet another kind of strangeness. The act of viewing these particular data capsules (delineating their contents as not merely data, but metadata) appears to have piqued her curiosity the way an upcoming show of entertainment on a television screen entices an individual household within theHumans--not being satisfied with the simple viewing of it but turning the act of viewership into metadata all for the simple discretionary purpose of ...what? It's as if the content capsule itself were a small living room, of sorts, inhabited by theHumans--in full herd mentality, full of agreements of superficiality--in a room with a seating area and screen, and one with its own personal egg-shaped device; yes, in it not DNA, but data and metadata as data(M.A.D.). Is it here in this egg-shaped box that lies the emitter of household viewing habits and the entirety of household medical data? Suzi could, in fact, be in charge of all this; Suzi, the final the hunter gatherer.

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