Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Misty Mountain Realm

Aloha Poets,
Misty mountain realm inspires today's poem. Enjoy!

Beyond the Misty Realm

Ancient Greek culture tumbled ashore
Upon Gaelic winds for trouble no more
Rendered this name soft and murine
Pure Ireland essence: cath Eire ine

For the love of Ireland Irish forever left
On paths taken as if given the perfect gift
For want of beauty within eyes out there
Setting forth upon water's wider world of care

By nature of journey in images to create
Proud in lore at stronghold's newest gate
Out of pure love and ties of kinship
Scenes of beauty views a sailing ship

Wearing old blindfolds as travels unfold
Fear not stories Eyjafjallajokull foretold
A wilder world sets forth in angelic belle
Reliance on self bears a watchtower knell

Journey the roads of true self adjustment
Literary tradition pride must have meant
Blinders may abound in feathers of doubt
Who we are defines where we journey out

Surf warrior wave sorcerer close to hearth
Patterns joy's sorrows of close held heart
Something inside leads to places out there
Soft-hearted armor in ancient warrior care

Chief amongst those the stoutest of lands
Attracts distant hearts with soft misty hands
A new treatment off to Eire in far off land
Even as natural resistance submits a plan

Ambivalent allegiance you make the call
Culture and travel for the fun of it all
Signify the journey to be more self aware
Inner journey travels upon outward stare

Ready willingness comes only from within
In deep solitudes and a happy little grin
From days in the sun now to country Eire
Island sparkles mountain beauty faire

Far distant place of native stone wall
Rocky terrain beyond ocean blue's call
Where mists reconcile myths in harmony
Lays in your arms only for beauty to see

Offshore beckons insistence at the helm
Adventures await beyond the misty realm
Blue sky pasturage deep emerald green
Pure Ireland essence: cath Eire ine

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