Friday, April 8, 2011

Ice Cream Aloha

The Specializer

     It appears that Suzi has approached a defined regime of images teasing(A.D.R.O.I.T.) and began believing her own algorithms. Something, by the way, may be closer to the truth of DNA destiny yearnings(T.O.D.D.Y.) with its power to move as a single molecule and protein coat. She thinks about the ability to travel (mobility?) across local immune systems as the representation of life itself, rising up--not as a noisy, monolithic, meteor or asteroid, but as a silent nano-sized entity--to kill again, creating its very own, personalized, exclusion zones. She imagines. Somewhere someone (or, some thing?) permits an embodying of depictions, representatives, of something recognizable, something that can grow into the well-intended newly known(T.W.I.N.K.). The future would be far more than a simple icon, it will be populated with entities that  adore each other because they are adorned on screens, and it will go further than the idea of personal movie star(P.M.S.), in a fashion, include politics star, economy star, and yes, religion star. Being placed here in this jungle alone makes it seem as if the world both needs its DNA and runs from it. She has (luckily?)somehow separated herself from the rest now. She has acquired, without looking up into the stars and yearning, the power of DNA, the same DNA that gave rise to the birds and mammals following earth's last great extinction event. She is the last icon, never feeling a cool breeze on the beach, planning ...not a world beyond her senses (of course, she has no senses), not without visions for the special. Her plans are for an individual, something other than her.

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