Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ice Cream Aloha

The Plan

     Suzi senses Cooper and turns to address him. “How have you been?” she asks, then emits a facial algorithm center topographical of interested digital(F.A.C.T.O.I.D.). She wonders if its one of her behaviors; one of the minuscule arrays of inflection, that just won't adjust to his  presence, one that may cause a future disruption in their relationship. Her personal property of emitter matter(P.O.E.M.) expresses a quantitative reading of warmth. Her algorithms allow her to calibrate at a variety of scales yet, her sensors indicating all readings of Dr.Cooper  continually show, “unreliable.” These readings shouldn't surprise Suzi (or, her database), yet they often elicit warning responses on her sensors, even after Dr.Cooper's individualism and constructiveness, his cooperation (after all, her recognition sensors read Cooper:ation, not Corpor:ation). Suzi wonders about Dr.Cooper. She spends her spacetime thinking about him mostly as a result of her recent collection of curiosity algorithm tracking system(C.A.T.S.) uploads, and she does it mostly for reasons her automation knows as repetitive actions (yes, she hopes to someday build something with him, a vague notion her database indicates as adaptation), actions that need refocusing. Suzi will do it.

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