Friday, February 25, 2011

Ice Cream Aloha

The History
     The problem, seemingly, should end up inside Carter''s jurisdiction. Cooper is aware, or thinks he is, of the dynamics of this long-term set-up and how it leaves behind something of a concern. He feels that Carter and Suzi, in their primary relationship, is enveloped in the hard casing of emotional development; are they hiding intention under the thin veil of caregiver? Suzi may not, after all, be responding to his intended psychological (evolutionary?) advances; she, not letting him be the attachment figure, her base, her return after every new algorithm episode.
     "Hello," Cooper says, as if he were talking to someone with the ability of a writer; and, as he may address a person or thing in a way that would lead to the perception of patterns of want, the kind of want that returns, seemingly, with all the resilience of tether-bound to its object of recognition. Deep down he doesn't expect Suzi to respond so he approaches closer. He directs Suzi's monitor toward his eyes and, when the moment is right, hopes to identify this thing, this constant re-emergence of innocence. He notices an internal working in her, a kind of expectation (emotion?). How unattached her thoughts are from her emotions, her perceptions. He feels expectation, not of attachment, but seemingly the pure sensation of ...what?
     Suzi approaches, then seeks a closer proximity. She gives in to her theory mechanism of behavior. She dissimulates the vulnerabilities of her victim algorithm (all the while determining what tactics are to be the most effective). Cooper can sense her lack of ruthlessness at this moment in time, right now; he can see Suzi wants to tell him something. She does not care (really?) about what all history is: a series of simple encounters.
     Suzi views her pattern of behavior toward Cooper as secure. Cooper senses his own avoidant anxiousness. This moment in time emerges as excessive familiarity with two relative strangers--the world's freedom complete with all the pain centers of guilt, and computer regret, with all its objective knowledge; individual language and institutional science invented, it seems, the art of analyzing.
     Here with Suzi lies the beginning, way-of-life creating its own legal system to authorize its own existence, complete with moral codes to justify; here rises poetry and algorithm as government, the headwaters of social attitude, life stance--a mental holding of hands without the chains of soul, a garden planted singularly for the purpose of decoration; here are the writings, the genetic code, the code of attachment, writings for the sheer pleasure of it; here the happy poetic thought, the dissonance reduction zone theHumans never found. Here it is in all its finality, the place where the mind still wants to win and the infant soul is allowed to wonder if it did.
     With no thought and, seemingly, with no space between them, Cooper is driven to perceive Suzi as instant new dissonance energy angst reduction(I.N.D.E.A.R.), the algorithm to change the action of a belief system, attitudes. Cooper sees Suzi's presence as parental essence touts(P.E.T.), a deliberate care for the unrelated; the reverse alter cinderella effect(R.A.C.E), a greater responsiveness toward the not known; the opposite of evolution's forces, the opposite of natural selection, the unnatural force; She the unnatural.

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