Sunday, October 10, 2010

Waterfall Shadow Tracks

Aloha poets,
    Water falling cools the sunny shadows and architectural tracks, inspires
today's poetry. Enjoy!

Splush Flower

Culled and cradles candle a journalist flair
Expands currency, tightens our breathed air
Finance giants of the Old West go great guns
Reporters fashion aggregation by setting suns

Widening paper trail, problem in the works
Advances toward victory translate as quirks
Developers wander with a rattle campaign
Debt joins in as slush funds offer a gain

Dollars wash ashore in U.S. denomination
Entrepreneur dominates from nation to nation
Back at home we rely on our sources of choice
As entertainment, education speak in one voice

Numbers narrow with movement and shifts
News breaks reveal with their variation gifts
Congress of incentives seems ways they boost
Attention and money focus on the noisiest roost

Sentiment maps prompt shifts in tone
Strong-arm leader defines the new zone
Energy's flypaper sticks national security
Lifestyle kicks dust in search of love's purity

Political systems so slow, oil company so fast?
Where sacrificial ocean leaves us so gassed
Signals of rout potential get reported back
Newscast, newsreel search for the crack

Ease up a little to get a boom started
Valuation bubbles the dearly departed?
Domestic energy production truly local job?
Homeland consumption gets a grin and a nod

Government-run finance the up and coming
Governments go corporate, get in the running
Serviced by banks with global marketing plan
Trickles back to us by friendly local newsman

copyright 10.10.10
patrick d.adams
all rights reserved

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